4 offers::

Designed for your comfort

Real-time offers::

Our services::

Our customers deserve only the best service. That is why we are always here to inform and accompany you in your efficient energy projects and optimization of your supplies.

Gaz heating

We provide reliable and high quality services ;  our customers deserve to be fully informed so they can make their own decision concerning the replacement of their energy supply ; current regulations are always implemented and act very quickly. Reliability and transparency are a must for our company.
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Oil heating

We provide good , reliable and high quality services; we believe that our customers have the right to get as much information as needed to make their own decisions concerning the replacement of their supplies; we always apply the current regulations and rapidly carry out the repairs  Reliability and transparency are a must for our company.
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Renewable energies

Our company is very concerned by renewable energies,  that is the future, For this reason we offer to discuss and study your projects that will bring innovation. We have expertise  for installing wall & ground source heat pumps, individual solar water heaters, air conditioning equipment, solar heaters and thermodynamic water heaters.

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(heating, plumbing, sanitary,...)

Our company can meet your needs for replacing, maintenance and repairs of your heating and sanitary supplies; we will also be pleased to accompany you to realise your project of renovation or concept creation of your bathroom.
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6 steps::

To choose your heating system

Building the future::

The success of each of our companies depends on its talents and professional skills. With us  your vocation will be fulfilled, a bright future ensured. Come join us !

Follow us::

Want to always be the first to sneak a peek on what's new here ? Join us on Social Media and Welcome to the Family !

Contact us::

Come visit us

Energies Van Kasteren
Energies Van Kasteren
Hall N°6
Phone number
+352 43 91 92 -

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Our partners::

We endeavour to constantly improve our performances. In order to attain excellence we have close ties with our partners (climate enginering companies, banks, investors, distributors, manufacturers). We hope that our co-operation will be long, mutually satisfactory and will prepare an ecological future for generations to come.